Thursday, November 18, 2010

Searching for love in all the wrong places.

When there is an absence of love, a void in your life, you begin to search for love.  This search is sometimes at a cost and often produces inauthentic love.  In addition to accepting relationships that are not for you, that are unhealthy for you, you enter sexual relationships, looking for a man to love you, looking to feel loved.  SEX IS NOT LOVE.  Many times, these men are using you for sex, because after the sex, they move on and you do not feel valued.
Sometimes you become pregnant, either hoping that the child will create a bond between you and your lover, or you believe the baby will fulfill the lack of love in your life.  However, it is more likely that any bond created will only be temporary, that the father will not be in your life, and you will be a single parent.  Ultimately, you realize the love you have for your baby does not compare, and is not the same as the love you receive from a man.  Unfortunately, you experience hurt and pain when you realize that none of your choices fills the void, and none result in true love.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow.  If you sow havoc and discord, you reap havoc and discord.  If you sow envy and jealousy, you reap envy and jealousy.  Everything you do comes back to you.  “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7, KJV)  Therefore, take care of how you treat others, because that same treatment will be repaid to you in your lifetime.  What you do now comes back upon you later.