Monday, April 18, 2011

Does the Internet Help or Hurt Relationships?

Given all of the complexities surrounding dating and technology, it's easy to assume that technology makes relationships more difficult. But there are plenty of elements that can help a relationship, from small everyday interactions to larger relationship issues. Case in point: last night on my Facebook feed I noticed a husband and wife talking back and forth via Facebook wall posts — he was upstairs, she was downstairs. Friends made fun of the couple but then the wife posted a valid point: they use Facebook, texting, or even email to talk from different levels of their home when their kids are asleep. That way, both can get their work done and communicate with each other without waking the kids. It's a small example but shows how tech can easily solve an annoying problem.

What do you think?     Read More

Friday, April 1, 2011

First Book Reading and Signing

Thank you all who attended my very first book reading and signing in Wyncote, PA! A special thank you to Ms. Belle who coordinated the signing. The event was a Blessing. Not only were books purchased by the attendees, but many purchased copies for others. This really encouraged me. I am very excited about the response and feedback from those who attended:

"Thank you and the book is definitely a treasure and keepsake for both genders.
Very informational! Keep rising to the top! I rate the book with ***** Stay

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

See you at the next event!

Yours Truly,

JB Tremont

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do not use the kids against him.

Your children did not ask to be here, nor do they need to be involved in the details of your relationship. You do not have to talk down about him, put him down or tear him down in the eyes of your children. Kids are smart, and will figure things out for themselves pretty quickly. When you use your children as pawns in your relationship, it can affect their self-esteem. It can make them feel a lack of security, and cause them to worry. It can also affect their future relationships with men and women, causing them to be resentful, spiteful, and distrusting.

Using your children as pawns also teaches them that it is acceptable to use and/or manipulate others. They learn to become calculating and undermining, they lose their character, and they lack the integrity they should have – they use whatever it takes to get ahead. They become that person that you cannot trust, that person whom you always wonder about their true motives, because you taught them that it is alright to use people for their own self interest and personal gain. You have taught them that it is alright to walk on people and treat them like dirt. Remember, children learn from observation, association, and their environment; they learn from cause and effect. In other words, the apple will not fall far from the tree.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Do not be Young and Dumb or Old and Stupid.

Ahhh, youth. Sometimes when we are young, we do the dumbest things. This is usually due to ignorance, a lack of knowledge, or a lack of experience. Hopefully, we learn from those experiences, and make better decisions.
However, there are some who still make stupid choices as they age. You many times attribute these choices to stubbornness, being set in your ways, unwillingness to change, or refusing to listen. Remember, whatever decisions you make, whatever choices you elect, YOU WILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH THEM! So learn from those experiences, and make better choices.